Our Network
SureVoIP runs its own MPLS enabled network which is designed for Voice Over IP (VoIP). It does this to allow it to be independent of any one supplier, for quality and control.
The network is spread across two sites for redundancy and high availability and within these sites there is also redundancy and high availability. One site (Point of Presence or PoP's) is in London Docklands (Telehouse East) and the other Edinburgh (Pulsant South Gyle).
Suretec Systems Ltd. T/a SureVoIP is an LIR (Local Internet Registry) member of RIPE, with both IPv4 and IPv6 allocations. It operates its own Autonomous System (AS199659) and uses carrier grade equipment, namely Juniper routers at its core and Cisco for VoIP optimised broadband services.
Please read more at SureVoIP is now an independent IP Network Operator.
Public and Private Peering
SureVoIP are members of LINX (as well as IXScotland and IXManchester) and LONAP and operate an extensively peered network. It partners with and peers with many of the UK's DSL and IP connectivity providers, providing low latency, high capacity offload from the SureVoIP network.
SureVoIP operate an open peering policy.
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